Results for 'Cornelius Johannes Hattingh'

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  1.  7
    'n Fundamenteel-pedagogiese besinning oor aanspreek en aanhoor as pedagogiese synswyses, deur C.J.G. Kilian.Cornelius Johannes Gysbertus Kilian - 1970 - [Pretoria]: Universiteit van Pretoria, Fakulteit Opvoedkunde, Werkgemeenskap ter bevordering van die Pedagogiek as Wetenskap.
  2. Moderne rechtsvormingstheorieën..Johannes Cornelius Coebergh - 1932 - Utrecht,: Kemink en zoon n. v..
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    In Primam Secundae... Thomae Aquinatis Commentaria.Johannes Wiggers, Cornelius Coenestenius, Ioannes Oliverius & Thomas - 1629 - Apud Ioannem Oliuerium & Cornelium Coenestenium.
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    In Secvndam Secvndae Divi Thomae Aqvinatis Commentaria Ioannis Wiggers Diestensis...: A Quaestione I. vsque ad Quaestionem XLVI. De Tribus Virtvtibvs Theologicis Cum Svis Adnexis.Johannes Wiggers, Cornelius Coenestenius, Ioannes Oliverius & Thomas - 1630 - Apud Ioannem Oliverium & Cornelium Coenestenium.
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    Discretio spirituum: Kriterien geistlicher Unterscheidung bei Johannes Gerson.Cornelius Roth - 2001 - Würzburg: Echter.
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    Irrtum und Wahrheit - Die Auseinandersetzung Johannes Gersons mit wahren und falschen Visionen und Lehren. Versuch einer Kriteriologie.Cornelius Roth - 2018 - In Andreas Speer & Maxime Mauriège (eds.), Irrtum – Error – Erreur (Miscellanea Mediaevalia Band 40). Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 627-636.
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    Politische und literarische Poetologie(n) des Imaginären: zum Potenzial der (Selbst- )Veränderungskräfte bei Cornelius Castoriadis und Alfred Döblin.Johannes Rauwald - 2013 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  8. Cornelius Castoriadis 1922-1997.Johann P. Arnason & Peter Beilharz - 1998 - Thesis Eleven 53 (1):iii-iv.
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    The Politics of Pictures: Approaching a Difficult Concept.Johannes Grave - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (5):442-451.
    The article takes Cornelius Castoriadis’ concept of the ‘political imaginary’ as an invitation to reflect on the role of pictures in politics and in facilitating alternative policies. For this purpose, pictures are not understood as merely rhetorical or propagandistic representations of political statements, which are actually to be thought of independently of the particular picture. Instead, by means of their specific pictorial qualities, pictures also influence the ways politics are negotiated or pursued and, moreover, they can stimulate alternative forms (...)
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    Johann Michel. Dialogue sur l’histoire et l’imaginaire social. Cornelius Castoriadis et Paul Ricœur.Maria Cristina Clorinda Vendra - 2018 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 8 (2):100-105.
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    Beyond a socio-centric concept of culture: Johann Arnason's macro-phenomenology and critique of sociological solipsism.Suzi Adams - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 151 (1):96-116.
    This essay unpacks Johann Arnason’s theory of culture. It argues that the culture problematic remains the needle’s eye through which Arnason’s intellectual project must be understood, his recent shift to foreground the interplay of culture and power (as the religio-political nexus) notwithstanding. Arnason’s approach to culture is foundational to his articulation of the human condition, which is articulated here as the interaction of a historical cultural hermeneutics and a macro-phenomenology of the world as a shared horizon. The essay discusses Arnason’s (...)
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    Castoriadis and the Non-Subjective Field: Social Doing, Instituting Society and Political Imaginaries.Suzi Adams - 2012 - Critical Horizons 13 (1):29 - 51.
    Cornelius Castoriadis understood history as a self-creating order. In turn, he elaborated history in two directions: as the political project of autonomy, and as the ontological modality of the social-historical. On his account, history as self-creation was only possible through the interplay of social (or political) imaginaries and social doing. Although social imaginaries are readily situated within the non-subjective field, non-subjective modes of doing have been less explored. Yet non-subjective contexts are integral to both the “doing” and “imaginary” dimensions (...)
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    Zum Autor der Schrift,Über die Kriegsführung gegen die Parther‘.Christian Schulze - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (2):386-394.
    Johannes Lydos quotes a passage from a lost military work on warfare against the Parthers in De magistratibus 3, 34. The author of this work, which dates from 63 AD, is said to be Κέλσος ὁ Ῥωμαῖος τακτικός, who has repeatedly been identified as Marius Celsus in several research studies. This article, however, depicts the encyclopedist and medical practitioner Aulus Cornelius Celsus as the author of this military writing. It first provides a retrospective of the research done. Secondly (...)
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    Vom Sinn des Ganzen: die Logik des Schicksals als Schlüssel zur nachabendländischen Weltzeit.Johannes Barnick - 1981 - Schaffhausen: Novalis-Verlag.
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    The Rules of the Game: The Logical Structure of Economic Theories.Johannes J. Klant - 1984 - Cambridge University Press.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Johannes L. Brandl & Ronald McIntyre - forthcoming - New Content is Available for Grazer Philosophische Studien.
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    A Pragmatist Account of Functions in Synthetic Biology.Johannes Achatz - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (1):171-186.
    In fields where science and technology overlap, so do different function-ascriptions. The entities of Synthetic Biology research are a case in point, where organisms with biological functionality are altered to perform technical functions. A function theory for SynBiofacts has to address artifactual as well as biological functions of one and the same entity. Further demands on a function theory for Synthetic Biology emerge from methods of SynBiofact creation called kludging and the use-scenarios of SynBiofacts in proof-of-concept research and BioArt. After (...)
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    Gott ist anders: theologische Versuche und Besinnungen.Johannes Brantschen - 2005 - Luzern: Edition Exodus.
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    Wille und Norm: die zivilisationskritische Rechts- und Staatskonzeption J.-J. Rousseaus.Johannes Caspar - 1993 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Wissenschaft und Wirklichkeit: zur Lage u. zur Aufgabe d. Wiss.Johannes Anderegg (ed.) - 1977 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
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    Theologie auf historisch-religionsphilosophischer Grundlage.Johannes Zachhuber - 2008 - In Andreas Arndt, Ulrich Barth & Wilhelm Gräb (eds.), Christentum – Staat – Kultur: Akten des Kongresses der Internationalen Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Berlin, März 2006. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 193-208.
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    Feedback consistency effects.Johannes C. Ziegler & Guy C. Van Orden - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):351-352.
    Models are not adequately evaluated simply by whether they capture the data, after the fact. Other criteria are needed. One criterion is parsimony; but utility and generality are at least as important. Even with respect to parsimony, however, the case against feedback is not as straightforward as Norris et al. present it. We use feedback consistency effects to illustrate these points.
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    On the way toward a phenomenological psychology.Johannes Linschoten - 1968 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press.
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    F.W.J. Schelling and the rise of historical theology.Johannes Zachhuber - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 80 (1-2):23-38.
    In this editorial introduction, we set out the contexts, aims and contents of this special issue on Schelling’s influence on later religious and theological thought, as well as the rationale behind its genesis.
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    Shape, perspective, and what is and is not perceived: Comment on Morales, Bax, and Firestone (2020).Johannes Burge & Tyler Burge - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (4):1125-1136.
    Psychology and philosophy have long reflected on the role of perspective in vision. Since the dawn of modern vision science—roughly, since Helmholtz in the late 1800s—scientific explanations in vision have focused on understanding the computations that transform the sensed retinal image into percepts of the three-dimensional environment. The standard view in the science is that distal properties—viewpoint-independent properties of the environment (object shape) and viewpoint-dependent relational properties (3D orientation relative to the viewer)–are perceptually represented and that properties of the proximal (...)
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    Text as Terror: Second Thoughts about Charisma.Johannes Fabian - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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    Das associationsprincip in der aesthtik.Johannes Ziegler - 1900 - Leipzig,: E. Avenarius.
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  28. (1 other version)Why do we remember? The communicative function of episodic memory.B. Mahr Johannes & Gergely Csibra - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (41).
    Episodic memory has been analyzed in a number of different ways in both philosophy and psychology, and most controversy has centered on its self-referential, autonoetic character. Here, we offer a comprehensive characterization of episodic memory in representational terms and propose a novel functional account on this basis. We argue that episodic memory should be understood as a distinctive epistemic attitude taken toward an event simulation. In this view, episodic memory has a metarepresentational format and should not be equated with beliefs (...)
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    Mechanism-as-activity and the threat of polygenic effects.Johannes Persson - unknown
    Polygenic effects have more than one cause. They testify to the fact that several causal contributors are sometimes simultaneously involved in causation. The importance of polygenic causation was noticed early on by Mill (1893). It has since been shown to be a problem for causal-law approaches to causation and accounts of causation cast in terms of capacities. However, polygenic causation needs to be examined more thoroughly in the emerging literature on causal mechanisms. In this paper I examine whether an influential (...)
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  30. Cicero and Augustine on the Passions.Johannes Brachtendorf - 1997 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 43 (2):289-308.
    En général, on croit que dans De civitate dei 9 et 14 Augustin critique vigoureusement l'idéal d'apatheia et le refus des passions établis par les Stoïciens. Cependant, une comparaison avec les Tusculanae Disputationes de Cicéron prouve dans quelle mesure la théorie augustinienne des passions dépend justement de la tradition qu'Augustin avait reçu de son maître Cicéron. Une telle comparaison éclaircit de plus le concept de concupiscentia chez Augustin.
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    Divisione della natura.Johannes Scotus Erigena - 2013 - Milano: Bompiani. Edited by Nicola Gorlani & Johannes Scotus Erigena.
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  32. Rossi, Paolo, Logic and the Art of Memory.J. Sutton - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (1):151-152.
    This translation of a classic and original work of intellectual history is beautifully done. Rossi’s book Clavis Universalis was first published in Italian in 1960, but Clucas translates the second, revised edition of 1983. The book is about Renaissance and 17th-century encyclopedism, hieroglyphics and cryptography, the techniques of artificial memory, the history of rhetoric, changes in views about logic and method in the scientific revolution, and new ideas about how language and images might reflect or capture reality. Frances Yates’s brilliant (...)
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  33. Computation and simulation.Johannes Lenhard - 2010 - In Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein & Carl Mitcham (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 246.
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    La philosophie trinitaire de Grégoire de Nysse.Johannes Zachhuber - 2023 - Chôra 21:285-305.
    In this article, Gregory of Nyssa is presented as a trinitarian thinker. It is argued that, in order to appreciate the relevance of triadic structures for his thought, one must take into consideration that the central place the Trinity held in his thought was the result of his involvement in the final phase of the so‑called trinitarian controversy of the fourth century. The article therefore begins with a brief account of the theoretical problems that arose within the later stages of (...)
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  35. Grazer Philosophische Studien: Internationale Zeitschrift Für Analytische Philosophie. Gegründet von Rudolf Haller.Johannes L. Brandl, Marian David & Leopold Stubenberg (eds.) - 2004 - Brill | Rodopi.
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    Ethik in Wirtschaft und Unternehmen in Zeiten der Krise.Johannes Wallacher, Christian Au, Tobias Karcher & George G. Brenkert (eds.) - 2011 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Papers from a conference held March 2010, Zug, Switzerland.
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    Prudentia und Contemplatio: Ethik und Metaphysik im Mittelalter: Festschrift für Georg Wieland zum 65. Geburstag.Johannes Brachtendorf (ed.) - 2002 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
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    Albrecht Ritschl and the Tübingen School. A neglected link in the history of 19th century theology.Johannes Zachhuber - 2011 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 18 (1):51-70.
    The article starts by observing a parallel between the identification of Christ's humanity and universal human nature, for which Harnack repudiates some church fathers, and David Strauss' claim, in his Life of Jesus, that the subject of the Incarnation must be all humanity. It is argued that this oppositional stance is indicative of fundamental philosophical and theological differences between the Tübingen School and the Ritschl School. Those differences, however, are then explained as emerging from what is ultimately a common project (...)
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    Friedrich Schleiermacher und Albrecht Ritschl. Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten in der Theologie des 19. Jahrhunderts.Johannes Zachhuber - 2005 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 12 (1):16-46.
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    Die Problematik des Völkerbundes bei Kant und Hegel.Johannes Hoffmeister - 1934 - Mohr.
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    Cultural-Political Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment.Axel Honneth, Thomas McCarthy, Claus Offe & Albrecht Wellmer (eds.) - 1992 - MIT Press.
    Andrew Arato. Seyla Benhabib. Hauke Brunkhorst. Cornelius Castoriadis. Jean Cohen. Helmut Dubiel. Klaus Eder. Gunter Frankenberg. Hans-Georg Gadamer. Axel Honneth. Johann Baptist Metz. Gertrud Nunner-Winkler. Claus Offe.".
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    Vom Sinn des Ganzen.Johannes Barnick - 1952 - Tübingen,: Verlag Der Gral.
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    The problem of semantic incomparability.Johannes Bechert - 1991 - In Dietmar Zaefferer (ed.), Semantic universals and universal semantics. New York: Foris Publications. pp. 12--60.
  44. Zur Frage der Übersetzbarkeit religiöser Unterscheidungen in eine säkulare Perspektive.Johannes Fischer - 2002 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 49 (1-2):214-235.
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  45. .Johannes Haubold, John Steele & Kathryn Stevens - unknown
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    Autotranscendence and Creative Organization: On Self-Creation and Self-Organization.Anders Michelsen - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 88 (1):55-75.
    This article discusses the issue of social and cultural ‘autotranscendence’ - self-production, creativity - in the debates on self-organization. The point of departure is Cornelius Castoriadis’s idea of ‘self-creation’. First, a schisma between mechanical and ontological modeling is indicated and used to introduce the idea of a ‘creative organization’. This is further discussed in relation to Jean-Pierre Dupuy’s concept of social ‘autotranscendence’ by ‘complex methodological individualism’, with particular respect to the incomprehension of the social. Following Johann P. Arnason’s treatment (...)
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  47.  25
    Examining the facts.Johannes Persson - 2000 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 76:87-108.
    Facts are once again put to work in philosophical enterprises. The discussion in this paper is conducted under the presumption that we for this reason need to examine the nature of facts anew. To some extent it has been taken for granted that the question of properties and particulars is the primary problem to solve, and that the question of facts is secondary. This approach naturally leads to many of the old problems of facts and complexes. By taking facts as (...)
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  48. Saludo del Rector Magnífico de la PU Antonianum.Johannes B. Freyer - 2007 - Verdad y Vida 65 (250):565-566.
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    The Creative Imagination: Indeterminacy and Embodiment in the Writings of Kant, Fichte, and Castoriadis.Jodie Lee Heap - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    By offering an original elucidation of the notion of the imagination in the writings of Immanuel Kant, Johann Fichte, and Cornelius Castoriadis, this book addresses and brings to the fore the significance of the imagination as the ontological source of human creation.
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  50. Der Nachlass Albert Ehrhards und seine Bedeutung für die Byzantinistik.Johannes M. Hoeck - 1951 - Byzantion 21:171-178.
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